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Search for the $$bar KNNN$$ bound state in the $$Lambda dn$$ final states of the in-flight $$K^-$$ reaction on $$^4$$ He

Hashimoto, Tadashi   

In recent years, the possible existence of deeply-bound $$bar K$$ nuclear bound states has been widely discussed as a consequence of the strongly attractive $$bar KN$$ interaction in I = 0 channels. Very recently, J-PARC E15 experiment reported an observation of the simplest kaonic nuclei, $$bar KNN$$, in the $$Lambda p$$ invariant-spectrum of the in-flight $$K^-$$ reaction on helium-3. Observation of other kaonic nuclei would provide a further support for the existence of such exotic states. Furthermore, mass-number dependence of kaonic nuclear systems would be of great importance to study interplay between the $$bar KN$$ attraction and the $$NN$$ repulsion at short distances. We collected $$K^-$$-induced data on helium-4 as a feasibility test of a lifetime measurement of light hypernuclei (J-PARC T77) in June 2020. In this contribution, we would like to present the latest results of the $$Lambda dn$$ analysis, and discuss future prospects towards more comprehensive investigation of the $$bar KNNN$$ system.



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