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Report No.

Development trends of small modular reactors and approaches of Japan Atomic Energy Agency to advanced reactor development

Matsuba, Kenichi  ; Shinohara, Masanori ; Toyooka, Junichi  ; Inaba, Yoshitomo  ; Sumita, Junya 

In the global trend toward decarbonization, Japan has a policy to pursue all options, including nuclear power, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In order to meet the public requirements for nuclear power, it is important to promote the development of advanced reactors, including the Small Modular Reactor (SMR), as one of the promising options. This article describes the domestic and international trends of SMR development, introduces the activities of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for the development of advanced reactors including SMRs, and concludes with the future prospect for the introduction of advanced reactor including SMRs in Japan.



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