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Report No.

Soft, environmentally degradable microfluidic devices for measurement of sweat rate and total sweat loss and for colorimetric analysis of sweat biomarkers

Liu, S.*; Yang, D. S.*; Wang, S.*; Luan, H.*; Sekine, Yurina   ; Model, J. B.*; Aranyosi, A. J.*; Ghaffari, R.*; Rogers, J. A.*

Advanced capabilities in noninvasive, in situ monitoring of sweat serve as the basis for obtaining real-time insights into human physiological state, health, and performance. Although recently reported microfluidic systems support powerful functions, most are designed as single-use disposables. Here, we introduce materials and molding techniques that bypass these concerns through biodegradable microfluidic systems with a full range of features. The key components fully degrade through the enzymatic action of microorganisms in natural soil environments. Detailed characterization of the device reveal a set of essential performance parameters that are comparable to, or even better than, those of non-degradable counterparts. Human subject studies illustrate the ability of these devices to acquire accurate measurements of sweat loss, sweat rate, pH, and chloride concentration.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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