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Report No.

Development of response prediction model for luminescence radiation detectors focusing on the microscopic energy deposition

Hirata, Yuho   ; Kai, Takeshi   ; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   ; Matsuya, Yusuke  ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   

Luminescence detectors (LD) are widely used for evaluating the radiation field, however, these detectors show a decrease in sensitivity to high-energy charged particles. We developed predicting and analyzing functions of the LD response using PHITS. First, we predicted the detector response using the microdosimetric function installed in PHITS. We reproduced the response of the LD to some of the high-energy charged particles. To analyze the physical process of the change of detector response, the investigation of the radiation behavior in the detector material is necessary. We developed the track structure code applied to Si which is widely used as detector materials. The developed code reproduced the electron behavior in Si, such as the electron ranges, and the number of emitted electrons. We developed a model which can predict the response mechanism of the luminescence radiation detector.



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