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Report No.

Possible options for efficient wide-band polychromatic measurements using chopper spectrometers at pulsed sources

Nakajima, Kenji  ; Kikuchi, Tatsuya*  ; Kawamura, Seiko   ; Kambara, Wataru*

We will present some of attempts on AMATEAS, a cold-neutron chopper spectrometer at a pulsed source, to increase time-windows at a single-measurement condition. One of ways is that, by allowing interveined trajectories on the time-of-flight diagram, the usable width selectable for $$E$$$$_{rm is}$$ is can be increased. Based on our experiences, the conditions of pulse repetition rate multiplication based polychromatic $$E$$$$_{rm i}$$ measurements on chopper spectrometers at pulsed sources will be discussed. Optimization of wide-band polychromatic $$E$$$$_{rm i}$$ measurements and a generalized formulated condition will be proposed. Application of our idea to existing spectrometers and to the criteria design of an optimized chopper spectrometer will be also discussed with suggesting further possibility to improve efficiency by modifying the pulse shaping chopper.



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