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Automatization of parametric analyses of influence factor on load derived from thermal transient in design optimization method for plant structure in sodium-cooled fast reactor

Kikuchi, Norihiro  ; Mori, Takero ; Okajima, Satoshi ; Tanaka, Masaaki  ; Miyazaki, Masashi

In JAEA, the design optimization method for plant structure has been developed on the process to output optimal solution of the thickness of reactor vessel wall against thermal transient and seismic loads in a SFR as a representative problem. Resistance characteristic of the wall on the load derived from thermal transient is one of the most important factors for safety estimation on the structural integrity. Failure probability of components against thermal transient was set to one of variables in the objective function for a common scale to compare with other variables in different failure mechanisms. In the iterative process to achieve the optimal solution, a number of evaluations to measure the influence on the load derived from thermal transient was necessarily conducted. More reduction of required time for evaluations is desired. To perform the iterative evaluation process efficiently, the automatization of parametric analyses was implemented in the optimization process.



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