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Report No.

Application of CFD code with debris-bed coolability assessment model to pool Type SFR

Nakamura, Hironori*; Hayakawa, Satoshi*; Shibata, Akihiro*; Sasa, Kyohei*; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Kubo, Shigenobu 

In order to evaluate long-term coolablity of the debris-bed with decay heat, a three-dimensional calculation method coupled with the debris bed module was developed in this study. The coupled code calculation results show that natural circulation of the coolant between the hot pool and the cold pool is established through the four intermediate heat exchangers after the activation of the dipped direct heat exchangers. The cold pool with the debris-bed is continually cooled not only by the natural circulation flow, but also by heat transfer to the hot pool through the plenum separation plate between the hot pool and the cold pool. The effect of the three-dimensional flow field around the core catcher on the temperature in the debris-bed is about 20K under the current calculation condition.



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