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Development of advanced neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation system, 5; Development of a platform JAMPAN for multiphysics simulation

Kamiya, Tomohiro ; Ono, Ayako ; Tada, Kenichi   ; Akie, Hiroshi  ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  

JAEA is developing a platform JAMPAN for multiphysics simulation to realize advanced neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation for improving design and safety of light water reactors. Flexibility and modularity are required for the platform; users can perform various multiphysics simulation by choosing combination of codes simulating various phenomena such as neutron transport, heat transfer/multi-phase flow, chemical reactions etc., and can easily replace and add independent codes. To meet these requirements, JAMPAN has a common data container and every data exchange between independent codes is conducted through the data container. In this presentation, we will explain an overview of JAMPAN and show results of neutronics/thermal-hydraulics simulation on 4$$times$$4 bundle system using MVP and JUPITER as an example of JAMPAN simulation.



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