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Report No.

Longitudinal measurement of high-intensity beam with bunch-shape monitor in front-end

Kitamura, Ryo   ; Hayashi, Naoki  ; Hirano, Koichiro  ; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Miura, Akihiko ; Morishita, Takatoshi  

In the J-PARC linac, the bunch-shape monitor (BSM) is developed to precisely and rapidly measure the longitudinal beam profile at the front-end, towards the improvement of the beam matching. The graphite target having the good strength to the high-power beam, has been introduced in order to resist the heat loading of the high-intensity beam. The resolution and other uncertainties were evaluated for the BSM. The longitudinal Twiss parameters and emittance were measured using the BSM and the IMPACT, which was the 3D particle-in-cell simulation code. The precision of the longitudinal emittance measurement was improved, by implementing uncertainties related to the BSM into the calculation. In this presentation, we will report a series of the measurement result, the method of the beam diagnostics with the BSM at the front-end, and the comparison between the measurement and the beam simulation.



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