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Report No.

Hybrid process combining solvent extraction and low pressure loss extraction chromatography for a reasonable MA recovery, 14; Column experiments using an adsorbent impregnated with NTAamide to construct flow sheet for MA/Ln separation

Emori, Tatsuya; Morita, Keisuke ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Sato, Hiromori*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Sano, Yuichi   

Two types of adsorbents were, respectively, prepared by impregnating nitrilotriacetamides (NTAamides) of HONTA and TOD2EHNTA in silica beads, and their adsorption properties for fission products (FPs), trivalent lanthanides (Ln(III)), and trivalent minor actinides (MA(III)) were clarified by single-stage batch experiments. Based on the results of the batch experiments, column experiments using HONTA adsorbents were performed by setting the nitric acid concentration and the flow rate of the eluents as parameters, and adsorption and elution behaviors of FPs, Ln(III) and MA(III) were evaluated.



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