※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

First measurement of longitudinal profile of high-power and low-energy H$$^{-}$$ beam by using bunch shape monitor with graphite target


北村 遼   

Kitamura, Ryo


At J-PARC Linac, bunch shape monitors (BSMs) have been used to measure a longitudinal profile of high power H$$^{-}$$ beam. Operational principle of the monitor is similar to that of the streak-camera. The BSM inserts a biased-solid target into H$$^{-}$$ beam to extract and accelerate secondary electrons. These electrons are then modulated with synchronized RF. After passing through dipole B field, a longitudinal profile is converted to a transverse one. For the BSM, a choice of target material is essential to reduce beam loss and to have sufficient tolerance for breakage by the interaction with high power beams. The BSM with graphite target realized the measurement of high-power 3 MeV beam for the first time.



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