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Report No.

Intercomparison of radiation damage calculations in target materials at proton accelerator facilities using various Monte Carlo particle transport codes

Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; $c{C}$elik, Y.*; Cerutti, F.*; Froeschl, R.*; Lorenzon, T.*; Mokhov, N.*; Pujol, F. S.*; Vlachoudis, V.*; Yao, L.

Secondary particles produced by irradiating a target with a proton beam from a proton accelerator are widely used in the fields of physics research. In the design of proton accelerator facilities, it is necessary to calculate DPA, energy deposition, particle fluence, etc., related to the radiation damage dose to the target using Monte Carlo (MC) particle transport codes such as FLUKA, MARS, MCNP, and PHITS. Therefore, it is important to intercompare and verify the results of damage calculations using these MC codes. In this study, using these MC codes, we calculate damage dose with four sources: (1) a neutron source that irradiates a beryllium target with 30 MeV protons, (2) a spallation neutron source at LANL that injects 800 MeV protons into a tungsten target, (3) a neutrino source at J-PARC that injects 30 GeV protons into a graphite target, (4) an antiproton source at FNAL, which injects 120 GeV protons into a copper target, and compare the calculation results with each MC code.



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