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Report No.

Effect of magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) formation on the local atomic arrangements and mechanical properties of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H); In situ X-ray scattering study

Kim, G.*; Im, S.*; Jee, H.*; Suh, H.*; Cho, S.*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Morooka, Satoshi  ; Koyama, Taku*; Nishio, Yuhei*; Machida, Akihiko*; Kim, J.*; Bae, S.*

This study explored the effect of M-S-H formation on the local atomic arrangements and mechanical properties of C-S-H. The elastic moduli of the samples were calculated using shifted atomic distances (r) and d-spacings (d) acquired by applying an external load on the pastes during X-ray scattering experiments. The experimental results indicated that the crystal structure of C-S-H remained intact with MgCl$$_{2}$$ addition. At the highest Mg/Si ratio (Ca/Si = 0.6, Mg/Si = 0.2), change in the dominant phase occurred from C-S-H to M-S-H because the low pH environment hindered the formation of C-S-H and facilitated the formation of M-S-H. The elastic modulus decreased with increasing Mg/Si ratio up to 0.1 owing to both C-S-H destabilization and low M-S-H content in the samples. Conversely, the elastic modulus increased in the paste synthesized with the highest Mg/Si ratio because considerable M-S-H had formed, which exhibited a higher elastic modulus than C-S-H.



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Category:Construction & Building Technology



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