Updates to the AMUR code for R-matrix analyses on heavy nuclei
国枝 賢 ; 遠藤 駿典 ; 木村 敦
Kunieda, Satoshi; Endo, Shunsuke; Kimura, Atsushi
The AMUR code, which is based on the multi-channel/multi-level R-matrix theory, is under development for the cross-section evaluation with the covariance data in the resolved resonance energy region. Although, the code was initially designed for the analysis of the light-nuclei, the authors extended its capability toward the analysis of heavier nuclei by introducing the Reich-Moore approximation and the free-gas approximation for the Doppler broadening. In this work, we challenge a resonance analysis of neutron cross-section data measured in J-PARC/ANNRI with AMUR, in which the resolution functions and the double-bunching effects were taken into account inside the code. In this presentation, let us show results of resonance analysis on some of the J-PARC/ANNRI measurements together with covariance of the resonance parameters and cross-sections, for the first time. We also plan to discuss differences of correlation matrices among approximations of the R-matrix theory to understand physics underlying on the resonant reaction.