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Nuclear many-body effects on particle emission following muon capture on $$^{28}$$Si and $$^{40}$$Ca

Minato, Futoshi   ; Naito, Tomoya*; Iwamoto, Osamu  

Muon captures on nuclei have provided us a plenty of knowledge of nuclear properties. Recently, this nature attracts attention again in electronics, because it is argued that charged particle emissions following muon capture on silicon triggers non-negligible soft errors in semiconductors. To investigate the particle emissions from nuclear physics point of view, we develop a new approach using a microscopic model of muon capture and an up-to-date particle emission models. We paid attention to the muon capture rates, the particle emission spectra, and the multiplicities that have a close interrelation with each other, and found that the nuclear many-body correlation including two-particle two-hole excitations is a key to explain them simultaneously.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Nuclear



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