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Effect of insertion layer to the MnGa/CoMn interface on tunnel magnetoresistance

鈴木 和也; 水上 成美*

Suzuki, Kazuya; Mizukami, Shigemi*


Perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions (p-MTJs) utilizing tetragonal Mn-based alloy thin films are one of the attractive p-MTJs for magnetic random access memory, advanced THz applications and sensors1,2. One of the important performances for p-MTJs can be high tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature. Although past studies have been reported the small TMR ratio of p-MTJ using Mn-based alloy electrode, recently, we achieved high TMR of 80% using antiferromagnetically coupled ultra-thin MnGa/CoMn electrodes3. In this study, we report achieving over 100% at room temperature by the introduction of ultrathin insertion layer in the MnGa/CoMn interface.



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