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Report No.

Development of exposure reduction technologies by digitalization of environment and radioactive source distribution, 5; Research and development of interactive visualization engine; Utilization of mixed reality

Miyamura, Hiroko  ; Sato, Tomoki*; Numata, Yoshiaki*; Tobita, Yasuhiro*; Machida, Masahiko  

We develop interactive visualization engine on a mixed reality device to realize workers' safety and work efficiency during environmental improvement work under the high-dose radiation environment. After the inverse source estimation, the three-dimensional distribution maps of the air dose rate are obtained by simulation. It is necessary to present the maps to decommissioning workers by visualization techniques to help them understand their environment. The latest MR devices can be used to support the work of decommissioning workers by placing virtual visualization primitives in the real space. In this presentation, we report outline the results and future direction of the MR device visualization engine, including features such as immersive experience, interactive operation, and information sharing with remote specialists.



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