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Report No.

In situ transmission electron microscopy observation of melted germanium sandwiched by multilayer graphenes

Suzuki, Seiya   ; Nemoto, Yoshihiro*; Shiiki, Natsumi*; Nakayama, Yoshiko*; Takeguchi, Masaki*

Germanene is a two-dimensional (2D) germanium (Ge) analogous of graphene, and its unique topological properties are expected to be a material for next-generation electronics. Germanene has already been grown on various metal surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy and segregation methods, but transferring it onto insulator surface to fabricate electronic devices is difficult in contrast to graphene. One potential solution is to grow germanene directly on the interface of the insulator. Based on this concept, we have grown germanene at the hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)/Ag(111) interface and demonstrated that germane at the interface is stable. Since hBN is an insulator, direct growth of germanene between hBN provides a promising channel for germanene devices. In this work, we studied the crystallization of Ge between graphene layers at high temperatures using in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Graphene was used as an alternative material for hBN. The Ge sandwiched by 4 layer graphenes was prepared onto an in situ TEM holder using chemical vapor deposited graphene, vacuum deposition of Ge, and wet transfer of graphene. The Raman spectrum of the sample indicated less defective graphene is present after the sample preparation. In situ TEM observation at 1025 degree Celsius revealed that round-shaped Ge moves, deforms, and coalesces at the temperature above the melting point of Ge. The observed motion of Ge indicates that the Ge was in liquid phase and its evaporation was suppressed by graphene layers. Although more novel ideas are needed to achieve 2D crystal growth of Ge at the interface, the present results may provide clues for the future direct growth of germane between hBN layers.



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