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Report No.

Development of steam reforming system for treatment of difficult-to-treat organic liquid wastes, 2; Applicability of a repair method for refractory materials treating inside of main reactor in steam reforming system

Kijima, Jun; Koyama, Hayato; Owada, Mitsuhiro ; Shibata, Atsuhiro  

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing a steam reforming system and equipment for the treatment of difficult-to-treat organic liquid wastes. The main reactor, which is a main component of the treatment system, has a refractory material on the inner surface. Cracks and flakes were observed on the surface of the refractory material due to age-related deterioration. Therefore, we repaired the deteriorated refractory material surfaces using two types of repair materials and conducted combustion tests on simulated samples to evaluate each repair material. After the combustion test, we concluded that the repair of the main reactor using the repair materials was possible, since there were no cracks or flakes of repair materials.



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