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Performance portable full-f gyrokinetic simulations on exascale supercomputers


井戸村 泰宏   

Idomura, Yasuhiro


The Gyrokinetic Toroidal 5D full-f Eulerian code GT5D was ported on Fugaku and Summit, which are state-of-the-art exascale supercomputers based on many core CPUs and GPUs. GT5D is based on a semi-implicit finite difference scheme, in which a stiff linear 4D convection operator is subject to implicit time integration, and the implicit finite difference solver for fast kinetic electrons occupies more than 80% of the total computing cost. The implicit solver was originally developed using a Krylov subspace method (GCR), in which global collective communication and halo data communication were bottlenecks on exascale supercomputers. This issue was resolved by a communication-avoiding Krylov subspace method (CA-GMRES), which reduces the number of global collective communication, and a FP16 preconditioner, which reduces the number of iterations and thus halo data communication. On Fugaku and Summit, the new CA-GMRES solver respectively achieved $$2.8times$$ and $$1.9times$$ speedups from the conventional GCR solver, and excellent strong scaling was obtained up to 5,760 CPUs/GPUs.



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