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Report No.

Outgassing characteristics from the J-PARC-made internal antenna for a high-intensity radio-frequency H$$^-$$ ion source

Shinto, Katsuhiro   ; Shibata, Takanori*; Okoshi, Kiyonori ; Nammo, Kesao*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*; Oguri, Hidetomo  

In J-PARC, we have been conducting the test of a J-PARC-made internal antenna in order to establish the production method and understand the beam characteristics of the antenna. At this time, we investigated the outgas characteristics during the production of a high-density plasma by using the J-PARC-made antenna. It is confirmed that no remarkable impurities are emitted from the antenna by a residual gas analysis using a quadrupole mass analyzer installed downstream the ion source and a spectroscopic analysis of the plasma in the ion source. It is found that the emittances of the H$$^-$$ beam extracted from the J-PARC radio-frequency H$$^-$$ ion source by using the antenna was similar as those in case by using SNS antenna.



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