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Water conservation behavior; Exploring the role of social, psychological, and behavioral determinants

節水行動; 社会的,心理的,行動的決定要因の役割を探る

Singha, B.*; Eljamal, O.*; Karmaker, S. C.*; Maamoun, I.; 杉原 裕司*

Singha, B.*; Eljamal, O.*; Karmaker, S. C.*; Maamoun, I.; Sugihara, Yuji*

Water conservation represents important pro-environmental behavior for a sustainable environment. We investigate the link between water conservation behavior and general environmental concerns, using a large dataset from the Multipurpose Household Survey conducted annually by the Italian Central Statistics Office and controlling for socio-economic characteristics and regional variables. Univariate probit models show that pollution and resource exhaustion are positively related to individual water conservation behavior while alteration of environmental heritage exhibits a negative relationship with water saving behavior. Our findings are robust to the inclusion of environment knowledge and social capital variables. Robustness analysis also indicates that television and radio, participation in environmental initiatives, money for environmental protection and churchgoing are significant positive drivers of water conservation behavior, as are several individual characteristics like having young children, being older, poorly educated, a homeowner, unemployed and retired.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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