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Study on use of 3D cloud point for decommissioning plan at Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP)

Miura, Takatomo

Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) shifted to the decommissioning stage in 2018 and the process of TRP decommissioning is planned to continue for approximately 70 years until the release of controlled areas of approximately 30 facilities. As preliminary to decommissioning process, clean-up is ongoing (1st step). Prior to a dismantling planned to start within a few years as the 2nd step, we need to investigate a situation in cells in detail, and 3D cloud data and 3D As-Built are expected to utilize for equipment dismantling at 2nd step. But Regarding 3D As-built at TRP, there are some issues (e.g. Several cells are narrow and under high-radioactive condition, it is limited access to inside of a cell, and so forth). In this study, we considered how to get 3D cloud data in response to the characteristics of TRP based on these issues. As a result, considering structure of reprocessing plant like TRP, it is effective for scanning to use the remote jig combined guide rail and cable bear. Furthermore, we confirmed making new hole in the cell wall makes it possible to get data for 3D As-Built. From these studies, we have some good prospect on how to establish 3D As-Built at TRP cells.



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