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Report No.

Characteristics of groundwater flowing through granitic mountains, southwest Japan

Takesue, Norito ; Nohara, Tsuyoshi   ; Endo, Kaito*; Takeuchi, Shinji*

Analysis of groundwater flowing through granitic mountains is generally difficult because of complex topography and geology, small-scale aquifer. The groundwater flowing through granitic mountains is controlled by hydrothermal alteration and weathering, displacement of fracture. Groundwater level between adjacent In-situ could be also changed by rugged topography, but detailed research example is poorly known. Therefore, this study clarifies characteristics of groundwater flowing, aim to application and improvement of field research in southwest Japan. In the result, we identified high pervious aquifer with decomposed granite and sand-gravel layer, infer continuous distributions of aquifer. We report research program and result of field research in this session.



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