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Introduction of Cu$$^{2+}$$ to the inside of the crevice by chelation and its effect on crevice corrosion of Type 316L stainless steel

Aoyama, Takahito   ; Kato, Chiaki   

The chelated complex of Cu$$^{2+}$$: [Cu(EDTA)]$$^{2-}$$ was used to introduce Cu$$^{2+}$$ from outside to the inside of crevice. The introduced Cu$$^{2+}$$ was expected to act as an inhibitor for the crevice corrosion on stainless steels. Crevice corrosion tests, confirmed the introduction of Cu$$^{2+}$$ to the inside of the crevice via electromigration of [Cu(EDTA)]$$^{2-}$$ was confirmed. Migrated [Cu(EDTA)]$$^{2-}$$ reacted with H$$^{+}$$ and inhibited decrease in pH inside the crevice, where Cu$$^{2+}$$ was separated from [Cu(EDTA)]$$^{2-}$$ and suppressed active dissolution of the stainless steel.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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