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Report No.

Performance portable Vlasov code with C++ parallel algorithm

Asahi, Yuichi   ; Padioleau, T.*; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*; Obrejan, K.*

This paper presents the performance portable implementation of a kinetic plasma simulation code with C++ parallel algorithm to run across multiple CPUs and GPUs. Relying on the language standard parallelism stdpar and proposed language standard multi-dimensional array support mdspan, we demonstrate that a performance portable implementation is possible without harming the readability and productivity. We obtain a good overall performance for a mini-application in the range of 20% to the Kokkos version on Intel Icelake, NVIDIA V100, and A100 GPUs. Our conclusion is that stdpar can be a good candidate to develop a performance portable and productive code targeting the Exascale era platform, assuming this approach will be available on AMD and/or Intel GPUs in the future.



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Category:Computer Science, Theory & Methods



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