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Decontamination method using acidic electrolyzed water for metals contaminated with radioactive materials

中山 卓也  

Nakayama, Takuya


Facilities that have completed their missions of research activities or have become obsolete will be systematically decommissioned. The dismantling of these facilities is expected to generate a large amount of metal waste with contaminated surfaces. In particular, a large amount of ferrous metal wastes, such as carbon steel, are generated. In order to reduce the disposal cost of radioactive wastes, it is required to reduce the volume of radioactive wastes by efficient decontamination. Therefore, as a rational decontamination method, we evaluated decontamination characteristics using acidic electrolyzed water containing hypochlorous acid, diluted hydrochloric acid, and diluted sulfuric acid on a sample simulating a corrosion layer. As a result, it was found that acidic electrolyzed water is a decontamination solution with an appropriate balance between the effects of dissolving the base metal and dissolving and removing the corrosion layer.



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