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The Relationship between potential and the water chemistry inside a crevice of stainless steel in high temperature water

Soma, Yasutaka   ; Komatsu, Atsushi ; Kato, Chiaki   

Electrochemical environment within a crevice which is referred to as crevice (or crack) water chemistry is an important factor for understanding stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of stainless steels in high temperature water. There have been many studies and well-organized reviews on the crevice water chemistry. However, the measurement of the real-time behavior of crevice water chemistry as a function of potential (electrochemical potential, ECP) remains a major challenge. In this study, the in situ measurement of the electrical conductivity of the solution inside crevices, $$sigma$$$$_{crev}$$ was carried out to analyzed $$sigma$$$$_{crev}$$-ECP relationship.



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