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Report No.

Disposal project of LLW generated in research, medical and industrial facilities; For sustainable nuclear R&D and radiation utilization

Saito, Tatsuo  ; Nakata, Hisakazu ; Kamei, Gento 

Research on nuclear power and radiation is utilized in various fields such as medicine, industry and agriculture, in addition to the energy field, and supports our daily life. In order to make these efforts sustainable in the future, JAEA is working toward the establishment of a burial facility as an implementing entity of the domestic LLW generated in research, medical and industrial facilities, in accordance with the JAEA Law and the national basic policy (2008) based on this law. JAEA is committed to the following basic policies (1) Ensure safety, (2) Ensure transparency and confidence in the project, (3) Promote understanding and coexistence with the local community, (4) Ensure reasonable burden and cooperation from the waste generators, and (5) Implement reasonable disposal practices.



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