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Report No.

Development of correction method for sample density effect on PGA

Maeda, Makoto  ; Segawa, Mariko   ; Toh, Yosuke   ; Endo, Shunsuke   ; Nakamura, Shoji  ; Kimura, Atsushi   

The accuracy of the prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis is known to degrade for the samples containing neutron-scattering materials, such as hydrogen, depending on its content. Recently, we discovered that the density of the scattering materials also affects the accuracy. In this paper, we developed a correction method for the effect of the sample densities. The developed correction method is straightforward and applicable to samples with unknown densities. The simulation and experiments verified the performance of the correction method. The results confirmed that the correction method could reduce the uncertainty due to sample density from 47% to approximately 1%.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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