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Report No.

Emulsification of low viscosity oil in alkali-activated materials

Reeb, C.*; Davy, C. A.*; Pierlot, C.*; Bertin, M.*; Cantarel, V.   ; Lambertin, D.*

Significant amounts of low viscosity mineral oil (20 %vol) are successfully immobilized in alkali-activated materials (AAM), either based on metakaolin or blast furnace slag. Surfactants are required to stabilize of the oil emulsion. Visual observation, torque measurement and rheology evidence two distinct groups of surfactants. One group contributes to structuring the oil/AAM fresh mix, with greater torque and viscosity than without surfactant; the other includes non-structuring surfactants, without change in torque or viscosity. Each group depends on the AAM considered. Whatever the AAM and the surfactant, the interfacial tension between oil/activating solution and the oil droplet size decrease significantly. Therefore, although contributing to stabilize the emulsion, interfacial tension alone does not explain the two distinct behaviors. Characterization of diluted ternary suspensions (solid particles-oil-AS) relates the structuring effect to interactions between oil and solid particles, through the surfactant polar head groups and non-polar hydrocarbon tails. An original mechanism explaining structuration is discussed.



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Category:Construction & Building Technology



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