Enhanced arsenic removal from aqueous solutions via magnesium hydroxide coated iron nanoparticles
Maamoun, I.; Falyouna, O.*; Shariful, I. M.*; Eljamal, R.*; Bensaida, K.*; Tanaka, Kazuya
; Tokunaga, Kohei
; Eljamal, O.*
The main aim of this study is to investigate the potential of Mg(OH)
coated iron nanoparticles in achieving improved arsenic removal from aqueous solutions. Set of batch tests has been conducted to understand the effect of several reaction factors, including coating ratio optimization, dosage, initial pH, temperature, and initial As(V) concentration. Results indicated that full coating was the optimal Mg(OH)
coating ratio which yielded full removal efficiency after 120 min reaction time, higher than that of nFe0 and Mg(OH)
coated iron nanoparticles with lower coating ratios. Furthermore, both strong acidic and high temperature conditions were favorable for inducing the arsenic removal performance of Mg(OH)
coated iron nanoparticles. Still, Mg(OH)
coated iron nanoparticles could efficiently achieve comparable removal at a wide pH and temperature ranges. Such results implied the contribution of Mg(OH)
to As(V) removal via adsorption and the possible co-precipitation of As(III) with the released Mg
from the coating shell dissolution. Besides, the progressive release of electrons from the iron core contributed to As(V) reduction to As(III). In conclusion, the proposed Mg(OH)
coated iron nanoparticles could be a perfect nanomaterial candidate for the real applications of arsenic removal from contaminated waters.