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Report No.

Development of a vane-shaped electrode Paul trap for decay spectroscopy of trapped radioactive ions

Uchibaba, Yuta; Ito, Yuta   ; Sato, Tetsuya   ; Aoki, Ryota; Asai, Masato  ; Gong, G.; Miyachi, Yuta*; Nagame, Yuichiro* ; Natori, Hina*; Tsukada, Kazuaki  

In anticipation of precise mass measurement of superheavy nuclei with an atomic number of 104 or more, we are developing an ion trap for the purpose of improving the accuracy of mass determination by prior identification of ions to be measured by decay spectroscopy and correlation with decay information. In order to capture radiation from trapped unstable nuclear ions at a large solid angle, we have developed a vane electrode type ion trap using a thin plate-like vane electrode. As an indication of performance, the trap lifetime and accumulated charge were evaluated in comparison with a circular electrode type ion trap.



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