Magnetic entropy of UTe
Tokiwa, Yoshifumi
; Opletal, P.
; Sakai, Hironori
; Yamamoto, Etsuji
; Kambe, Shinsaku
; Tokunaga, Yo
; Haga, Yoshinori
; Kimata, Motoi*; Awaji, Satoshi*; Sasaki, Takahiko*; Aoki, Dai*
has attracted much attention due to the possibility of reentrant superconductivity and spin triplet superconductivity in a magnetic field. In this material, when a magnetic field is applied in the b-axis direction, Tc decreases once due to the magnetic field, but Tc increases under a magnetic field of about 16T or more. In this field direction, there is a metamagnetic transition at 34T. The relationship between this metamagnetism and the anomalous enhancement of Tc has been discussed. Many unconventional superconductors exhibit an unusual metallic state in the normal phase. It is believed that magnetic fluctuations, which are the cause of this phenomenon, generate superconducting electron pairs. Entropy is a direct measure of fluctuations, as entropy exhibits a maximum at the quantum critical point. Therefore, the relationship between fluctuations and superconductivity can be clarified by entropy measurements in the normal state. In this study, we performed precise magnetization measurements at temperatures up to 2 K and magnetic fields up to 24 T using cryogen-free superconducting magnets at the Research Center for High Magnetic Field Superconducting Materials, IMR, Tohoku University. We used a thermodynamic relation to map the entropy in the magnetic field-temperature parameter space. In this talk, we discuss the relationship between the entropy increase due to metamagnetic fluctuations and superconductivity.