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Report No.

Oxygen reduction activity and interfacial structures of La$$_{0.8}$$Sr$$_{0.2}$$CoO$$_{3}$$ at initial electrochemical process in an alkaline solution

Matsuzaki, Akira*; Hirayama, Masaaki*; Oguchi, Shoya*; Komo, Mamoru*; Ikezawa, Atsunori*; Suzuki, Kota*; Tamura, Kazuhisa   ; Arai, Hajime*; Kanno, Ryoji*

Oxygen reduction and evolution reactions (ORR and OER) of perovskite-type La$$_{0.8}$$Sr$$_{0.2}$$CoO$$_{3}$$ were characterized using two-dimensional model electrodes with different reaction planes. Synthesized by pulsed laser deposition, these thin and flat electrodes can reveal the reaction plane dependence of the ORR activity. From steady-state polarization measurements in KOH (aq.), the ORR activity was the highest on the (001) film during the first ORR/OER cycle, and it decreased significantly during the second cycle. In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction clarified crystal structure changes in the bulk and surface regions of La$$_{0.8}$$Sr$$_{0.2}$$CoO$$_{3}$$, and these changes are associated with forming oxygen defects during the initial electrochemical process. Furthermore, the La$$_{0.8}$$Sr$$_{0.2}$$CoO$$_{3}$$ surface partially decomposed upon reacting. Therefore, the interfacial structures formed in the electrochemical reaction field is important for enhancing ORR and OER activities.



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