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Report No.

High temperature nanoindentation of (U,Ce)O$$_{2}$$ compounds

Frazer, D.*; Saleh, T. A.*; Matsumoto, Taku; Hirooka, Shun ; Kato, Masato   ; McClellan, K.*; White, J. T.*

Nanoindentation based techniques can be employed on minute volumes of material to measure mechanical properties, including Young's modulus, hardness, and creep stress exponents. In this study, (U,Ce)O$$_{2}$$ solid solutions samples are used to develop elevated temperature nanoindentation and nanoindentation creep testing methods for use on mixed oxide fuels. Nanoindentation testing was performed on 3 separate (Ux-1,Cex)O$$_{2}$$ compounds ranging from x equals 0.1 to 0.3 at up to 800 $$^{circ}$$C: their Young's modulus, hardness, and creep stress exponents were evaluated. The Young's modulus decreases in the expected linear manner while the hardness decreases in the expected exponential manner. The nanoindentation creep experiments at 800 $$^{circ}$$C give stress exponent values, n=4.7-6.9, that suggests dislocation motion as the deformation mechanism.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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