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Report No.

Cs extraction from chloride media by calixarene crown-ethers

Simonnet, M.   ; Sittel, T.*; We${ss}$ling, P.*; Geist, A.*

Asse II salt mine, Germany, contains low and intermediate level radioactive waste that must be retrieved in the upcoming years. Potentially contaminated salts and brines will require treatment. $$^{137}$$Cs would be the main contaminant. Cs$$^{+}$$ is problematic to selectively recover due to its chemical similarity with Na$$^{+}$$ and K$$^{+}$$ which are present in high quantity in a salt mine. This paper is offering a solution for Cs$$^{+}$$ separation from concentrated chloride salt media by solvent extraction with calixarene-crown-ether extractants in alcoholic diluent.



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Category:Energy & Fuels



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