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Collaboration with Dr. Efrem Sh. Soukhovitsukii; Our fortuitous experiences on optical model analysis, his contribution to nuclear data activities of Japan and a posthumous study on light-nuclei

Kunieda, Satoshi  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  ; Fukahori, Tokio  ; Chiba, Satoshi*

Optical model or coupled-channels calculation serves as an entrance to sophisticated calculation of nuclear data. It was a great contribution of Dr. Efrem Sh. Soukhovitsukii who has developed an excellent computation scheme which takes account of the low-lying collective nuclear structure in terms of the soft-rotator + vibrational model, and integrated it into the coupled-channels calculation. In Japan, we had a fortuitous experience with him in parametrization of the optical model potential (OMP) and to employ this methodology in nuclear data evaluation for JENDL. Firstly, we summarize our collaborative works with him in this paper. Secondly, let us have a discussion on a new parameterization of OMP which we obtained for light nuclei within his framework, quite recently. It was found that values of the potential parameters themselves are rather similar among different nuclei while the nuclear deformation describes one of the main characteristics of each isotopes.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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