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Magnetic and structure transition of Mn$$_{3-x}$$Fe$$_x$$O$$_4$$ solid solutions under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions

Yamanaka, Takamitsu*; Hirao, Naohisa*; Nakamoto, Yuki*; Mikouchi, Takashi*; Hattori, Takanori   ; Komatsu, Kazuki*; Mao, H.-K.*

Magnetic and crystal structure of Mn$$_{3-x}$$Fe$$_x$$O$$_4$$ solid solutions under high-PT conditions are investigated by neutron diffraction and synchrotron M${"o}$ssbauer spectroscopy. The ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic transition and tetragonal-cubic transition of Mn$$_2$$FeO$$_4$$ spinel occur at 100$$^circ$$C and 180$$^circ$$C, respectively, suggesting both the transitions are not coupled. The structure transition temperature decreases with pressure. M${"o}$ssbauer experiments and neutron diffraction revealed that the Fe$$^{2+}$$ occupancy in tetrahedral site increases increase with pressure, suggesting Mn$$_2$$FeO$$_4$$ phase approaches inverse spinel. Magnetic structure refinement clarified paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic structure of MnFe$$_2$$O$$_4$$ and Mn$$_2$$FeO$$_4$$. These spinels transform into high-pressure orthorhombic phases at 18.4 and 14.0 GPa, respectively, indicating lower transition pressure with increasing Mn content.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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