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Report No.

Flexible waste management system for the future application of MA P&T technology to the current high-level liquid waste

Fukasawa, Tetsuo*; Suzuki, Akihiro*; Endo, Yoichi*; Inagaki, Yaohiro*; Arima, Tatsumi*; Muroya, Yusa*; Endo, Keita*; Watanabe, Daisuke*; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Ishii, Katsunori ; Yamashita, Junichi*

A flexible waste management system (FWM) is being developed to apply future MA partitioning and transmutation (P&T) technology to current HLLW. This FWM system will store high-level waste (HLLW) in granular form until MA partitioning and transmutation technology is realized. The feasibility of the main process was essentially confirmed by basic experiments and preliminary thermal analysis for granule production by rotary kiln from simulated HLLW and for temporary storage (50 years) of HLW granules at the HLW storage facility, respectively. The granule production experiments revealed that relatively large particles can be produced by the rotary kiln. The results of the thermal analysis showed that the small diameter canisters could be used to safely store the granules at a higher storage density than vitrified HLW. The effectiveness of the FWM system in terms of potential radiotoxicity and repository area was also evaluated, and it was shown that FWM can reduce these factors and has significant advantages in the disposal of HLW generated in current reprocessing plants. Since LWR fuel is stored for a long period of time in Japan and the operation of a reprocessing plant is expected to start soon, the FWM system is considered to be an effective system for reducing the environmental burden of HLW disposal.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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