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Report No.

Study of non-destructive slow beam extraction method in particle accelerator

Nagayama, Shota; Harada, Hiroyuki  ; Shimogawa, Tetsushi*; Yamada, Ippei ; Chimura, Motoki ; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

Synchrotron accelerators realize physics experiments and radiation cancer treatment using the slow extraction technique, in which beams are stored in the ring and gradually delivered. We have devised and are currently developing a "non-destructive electrostatic septum" based on a new method, which in principle cannot be solved by conventional methods and is a cause of equipment failure and output limitation. It is ideal to generate a force distribution similar to a staircase function with discontinuous gaps at the boundary. In this presentation, we will show the calculation method for optimizing the electrode and wire configuration to generate a Lorentz force with a distribution similar to a staircase function in vacuum, and the calculation results of the beam breakup due to the generated Lorentz force. The compact proof-of-principle machine developed for the ongoing demonstration of this method will also be introduced.



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