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Report No.

Impact of using JENDL-5 on neutronics analysis of transmutation systems

Sugawara, Takanori  ; Kunieda, Satoshi  

This study investigates the impact of the change from JENDL-4 to JENDL-5 on neutronics analysis of transmutation systems. As the transmutation systems, the following two systems are targeted: JAEA-ADS, a lead-bismuth cooled accelerator-driven system, and MARDS, a molten salt chloride accelerator-driven system. For the JAEA-ADS, the k-eff value increased 189 pcm from JENDL-4 to JENDL-5. It was found that the revisions of various nuclides affected to this difference. For example, the revision of $$^{15}$$N indicated an increase of 200 pcm from the JENDL-4 result. For the MARDS, it was found that the major revision of $$^{37}$$Cl and $$^{35}$$Cl cross sections was the main cause of the k-eff differences. This study confirmed that the difference in the nuclear data libraries still indicated differences in calculation results for the transmutation systems.



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