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Report No.

Current status of new research reactor at the Monju Site

Mineo, Hideaki  

In December 2016 Decisions were made by the Government on the Fast Breeder Prototype Reactor "Monju", which were decommissioning of the reactor and installation of a new research reactor at the Monju site. After the decisions, MEXT started research to list reactor candidates suitable for the site. Among the candidates, medium power reactor type of which thermal output less than 10,000 kW was chosen to utilize neutron beams. Then, from 2020, MEXT launched an entrusted business and adopted JAEA, Kyoto University and University of Fukui as the core institutions of the business to carry out the conceptual design. This paper describes the system to proceed the conceptual design and to examine the utilization management of the new research reactor and also shows their status.



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