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Works on the remote access at MLF, J-PARC in 2022

Inamura, Yasuhiro  ; Okazaki, Nobuo*; Ito, Takayoshi*

At MLF of J-PARC, it has been required to access from outside of J-PARC through the internet in order to watch the instrument status on measuring, to obtain measured data and to do data analysis. Recently, because of the limitation on coming directly to J-PARC by the strong influence of COVID-19, staffs and users are required to do remote access to proceed their works widely. Therefore, the demands to realize the remote access becomes larger than before. Now, for this purpose, we propose a model case about remote access for executing the measurement at MLF. In this model, users and staffs connect to the virtual desktop constructed on the portal PC to control the instrument of beamlines using SSL-VPN for security required by MLF security section. On the other hand, we produce another virtual desktop system on which uses can analyze data from outside.



- Accesses





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