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Report No.

JENDL-5 benchmarking for fission reactor applications

Tada, Kenichi   ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Taninaka, Hiroshi ; Yokoyama, Kenji   ; Okita, Shoichiro  ; Oizumi, Akito   ; Fukushima, Masahiro   ; Nakayama, Shinsuke  

The new version of the Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, JENDL-5, was released in December 2021. This paper demonstrates the validation of JENDL-5 for fission reactor applications. Benchmark calculations are performed with the continuous-energy Monte Carlo codes MVP and MCNP and the deterministic code system MARBLE. The benchmark calculation results indicate that the performance of JENDL-5 for fission reactor applications is better than that of the former library JENDL-4.0.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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