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Report No.

Promotion for establishing and maintaining appropriate responses in the safeguards activities

Shirafuji, Masaya ; Nozaki, Teo; Akutsu, Narumi*; Miyaji, Noriko ; Nakamura, Hironobu 

In order to maintain transparency in the peaceful use of nuclear materials in Japan, it is important to appropriately respond to safeguards activities conducted by the IAEA/Japan. Failure to respond appropriately to these activities could have significant impacts, such as raising suspicion from the international community about the misuse of nuclear materials by not only the operators but also by Japan. In order to strengthen activities to appropriately respond to safeguards activities, JAEA has started (I) education on safeguards for all employees directly employed by JAEA, (II) lectures, (III) case studies, and (IV) standardization of procedures related to safeguards response since FY2020, following the methods used to foster nuclear security culture in the past. This report describes these specific activities.



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