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Report No.

Time-resolved imaging of magnetoelastic waves by the cotton-mouton effect

Hioki, Tomosato*; Hashimoto, Yusuke*; Johansen, T. H.*; Saito, Eiji

We investigate the propagation dynamics of magneto-elastic waves in an out-of-plane (OP) magnetized film using time-resolved magneto-optical (TRMO) microscopy based on the Cotton-Mouton effect. In OP magnetized films, spin precession induces a temporal change in the in-plane component of magnetization ($$mathbf{m}_perp$$), which can be measured through birefringence induced by $$mathbf{m}_perp$$, or the Cotton-Mouton effect (CME). Here we develop an imaging method based on CME, realizing the observation of stress-driven magneto-elastic waves in an OP magnetized film. This result expands the focus of TRMO microscopy, allowing investigation of magneto-elastic waves in OP magnetized films.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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