Fact-finding survey on the competencies and literacy of radiological technologists regarding radiation disasters
Arai, Tomohiro*; Murata, Sho*; Watanabe, Yuichi*; Ishihara, Toshihiro*; Fukamizu, Yoshiya*; Takeda, Satoshi*; Ebata, Kiyokadzu*; Watanabe, Yuki ; Takashima, Yoshio*; Kaneko, Junichi*
Radiological technologists have received specialized education about radiation and serve as risk communicators who aim to lessen patients' anxiety about radiation exposure, in addition to performing radiological examinations in routine clinical practice. Also, Radiological technologists across Japan were dispatched to the affected area to conduct an essential procedure-screening the belongings and body surfaces of evacuees for contamination at the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company in March 2011. In this study, we conducted a fact-finding survey on knowledge and awareness of radiation disasters among radiological technologists at National Hospital Organization facilities in Japan to reveal their literacy and competencies regarding radiation disasters. Also, we compared the knowledge and awareness of radiation disasters among Japanese radiological technologists between nuclear power station areas and non-nuclear power station areas and discuss ideal human resource development for radiological technologists to be ready to serve during a radiation disaster.