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Report No.

LASSO reconstruction scheme to predict radioactive source distributions inside reactor building rooms; Outline of R&D project

Suzuki, Masahiro ; Aoki, Yuto; Machida, Masahiko  ; Ito, Rintaro; Kawabata, Kuniaki   ; Yamaguchi, Takashi ; Okamoto, Koji

In this paper, we overview the R&D project and present key results obtained since last fiscal year. Particularly, we show that the core scheme of the protype system, i.e., LASSO scheme to inversely estimate hot spots actually works in Pool-canal circular operation (PCO) room of JMTR selected as a test field prior to applying it to 1F. In addition to the scheme verification, the present status of measurement technique developments is also presented. Their all results suggest that the project is successful, and furthermore, it is expected that this system is applicable to the future operations to improve the radiation environments inside 1F buildings.



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