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Report No.

Renewal of control system of the J-PARC RCS magnet power supply

Watanabe, Yasuhiro  ; Yanagibashi, Takanori; Komatsuzaki, Makoto*

J-PARC RCS accelerates a high-intensity proton beam from 400 MeV to 3 GeV at a repetition rate of 25 Hz. The main magnet system of the RCS is composed of a family of dipole magnets and seven families of quadrupole magnets excited by eight independent resonant circuits. The current control system of the main magnet power supply requires high-precision tracking control between different magnet families. The original control system of the main magnet power supply had been operated without major problems for fifteen years since the start of operation of the RCS, while the control system component is obsolete. We developed a new power supply controller based on SoC FPGA. The controller consists of a main board and four daughter boards and all functions required for current control of the power supply are installed in a 19-inch rack 2U control unit.



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